Join over 150 ticketing and fare collection experts at Transport Ticketing Central and Eastern Europe on 8-9th October and be part of the debate on the future of smart fares. We have a number of complimentary passes available for transport operators and government authorities – register today to apply for your delegate pass*.
This brand new event will enable you to:
Find out which channel of smart ticketing is best suited to public transport routes in central and East Europe
Discover the changes needed to enable smart ticketing and travel across Europe
Understand the implications to note when choosing a ticketing service between EMV, smartcard and mobile
Get practical insights into tried and tested ticketing business models
Discuss how to adapt your current transport solution for the future
Arriva Poland, Ljubljanski Public Transport, Road Transport Administration of Latvia, Montenegro Railways, Telekom Slovenia, Central European Initiative (CEI) are just some of the organisations who will be sharing their smart ticketing experiences and learnings.
We look forward to seeing you in Warsaw.